Monday, 26 March 2007

Bridge Climb

Sydney (Japan-On-Sea) is great.....we did the climb. I think we were both a bit nervous to start as you make your way along the lower cat walks and climb quite steep steps and see the upper structures towering above you but when you reach the upper walk along the top....nerves disappear as Sydney appears all round you. We climbed at dusk...the view was magnificent. Aftrewards we ate at Doyles on the Quay in the open with the bridge on one side and the opera house on the other....brilliant.
Saturday it pelted down with rain....quite a difference to Melbourne which is undergoing a drought....but hang on Melbourne...its coming your way.


julie close said...

the bridge climb sounds absolutely wonderful - and well done for conquering your nerves - hope you have some photos to show when you get home. Are you now in tahiti?
all our love alan and julie xxx

Jane and Mick said...

Hello, intrepid travellers/climbers. We kept thinking about you both.
Glad you made it, and more importantly, enjoyed the experience. Jenny and Barry arrived safely in Melbourne ON TIME!! Walked around Churchill Island this morning - no sun, unlike when you walked it the other week. Still beautiful though. Preparing for our around-Victoria 'voyage'. Thinking of you both - and MANY THANKS for the lovely thank you card that arrived this morning. Love Jane and Mick

ANN & ROY said...

Hi There, fllowing your trip with interest. Glad to hear you managed the bridge.Just to wish you Happy Anniversary whereever you are at the moment. A far cry from Cornwall and the old Ford Pop eh.
Much Love Ann & Roy