Thursday, 1 March 2007

Life at Ruyteplaats

The estate is really looking quite beautiful dispite the long hot summer. I would like to post photograph but not sure if I can do that from Internet Cafe but if you enter Ruyteplaats into Google thare is a good website showing the estate and the luxury that surrounds us.

Got the barbeque up and running....I have to say that I prefer the fire and drama of a proper fire but I would hate to go down in history as the Pom that set fire to Ruyteplaats.

All our inside workmen should have finished tomorrow and then the big cleanup begins. All our windows and doors have been replaced with alumium and in true inprovement fashion it was pointed out to us that our roof was sagging and we have had to have that sorted.
Next week the outside is to be redecorated.

Gooh holiday so far....rain today!


1 comment:

iPharmacist said...

Forgot how great these photos were!