Saturday, 20 January 2007

Sydney Harbour Bridge

On the classroom wall in my Junior School was a poster of Sydney Harbour Bridge. It didn't give me a huge desire to see it because the possibility of visiting Australia was inconceivable. The journey by boat took weeks. But it was always there, in my mind, as an exotic, far-a-way, wonder.

When visiting Sydney therefore for the first time in 2002 , I asked the taxi driver at the airport to divert and drive over the bridge. It was wonderful.

Sydney Harbour Bridge was designed and built by an English company from Middlesbrough...most of the steel having been shipped from England. It took eight years to build and was opened on March 19th 1932.

March 19th 2007 is therefore the bridges 75th anniversary. Me and Jeannette are booked to climb the bridge three days later.

Nothing is impossible.


1 comment:

Melanie said...

Um, not sure about this bit of the trip!! It makes those tiny planes in Botswana seem ...well...SAFE!!!